Monday, November 24, 2008

At First Glance...........

1 Sam 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

God had asked Samuel, the prophet to travel to Bethlehem and anoint the one who would be the replacement of Saul, as king over Israel. God had chosen one of the sons of Jesse, and He would reveal to Samuel, which of the sons it was.

As Jesse paraded each of his sons before Samuel, the prophet noted that Eliab was a fine specimen of a man, and assumed that this was the one God had chosen. Yet as we see in this verse, God revealed instead, that the outward appearance does not necessarily determine the right choice.

Lately, I have been given to observe people.....their faces, behaviour patterns, attitudes.

Yesterday as I was walking, I noticed a woman coming toward me. My first impression of her was not encouraging, to say the least. Her eyes reflected either anger or dissatisfaction. She had deep frown lines between her eyebrows and her mouth curled downward. Most people you encounter as you pass each other, will make eye contact in some way, no matter how brief. Yet this woman's eyes though briefly acknowledging that someone was passing her, did not make eye contact with me.

As I said, my first impression of her was rather negative, but as I walked along, I wondered what was going on behind those eyes, beyond the face that practically wore a sign saying, "keep out"! I do not have even the slightest clue what may be going on in this woman's life because I don't see her heart the way God does.

People always tell me that I have a happy, smiling face. Yes, I do indeed smile a lot! Yet my smile sometimes belies the pain I feel within, be it physical or emotional. Only those who know me and are observant can sometimes tell when something is wrong. You see, it reflects in my eyes.

The same applies with behaviour patterns in people. It's so easy to write someone off as not having much value, by judging their behaviour alone. Rather than look at the person behind the behaviour, we tend to label the person in a negative way.

I love reading about the rise of David, from mere shepherd boy to king of Israel. His brothers saw him as being a weakling, too young to handle the responsibility of joining in the fight for freedom from the Philistines. Yet this brave young man defeated a giant, using just a slingshot!

God sees the potential in us, and no matter how the world may view us, we are of the greatest value to Him. He sees what no one else can see.....He sees our tears, He knows our longings and desires, He sees into the deepest recesses of our hearts.

If God can take a humble shepherd boy, and turn him into a mighty king......imagine what He can do with you or I! It doesn't matter if we are not academic scholars, or beauty queens or wealthy tycoons........if we allow God to navigate our lives, the possibilities are endless......and keep in mind....He is the God of the impossible!

If we claim to be followers of Christ, then we have a responsibility to be Christlike in the way we view people. As someone pointed out in a sermon I heard, when Jesus encountered a demon possessed man, He saw beyond the demons.......and saw the hurting man within. This is the pattern every Christian should follow, yet sadly the greatest judgements and condemnation happen in our churches.

What do you see when you look in your mirror? I don't necessarily mean in a physical sense, although that too could be pertinent.......I mean look at yourself with spiritual eyes....what do you see?

This is what God sees........

Psa 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Psa 139:15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Psa 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
Psa 139:17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

Now look at the people around you, especially those who you find to be "difficult" people......God sees them the same way.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Are you secure in your identity?

What is your identity? When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? What do you really see?

What are you like at giving out criticism? How well do you take criticism?

I don't have a degree in human behaviour, nor am I an expert in detecting the character of another human being! My only understanding is through my own behaviour and life experiences, and what I have observed in others.

I believe there are three types in this case:

Type A: People who are extremely critical and condemning of others

Type B: Peope who are deeply wounded by criticism and condemnation, tending not to offer criticism for fear of more condemnation

Type C: People who are balanced in the giving of and receiving of criticism and condemnation

Let's look at Type A first. What causes a person to always be critical and condemning? And why is it that generally speaking, these people can "dish it out" but can't take it themselves?

After chatting with a few of my peers on this subject, this is what I have gleaned from them, and my own understanding. A critical and condemning person often has a negative personality. They view life from the glass half empty perspective. They have an insecurity in their own identity, and often they harbour jealousy, quite possibly toward the one they have targeted to criticize.

Type B also seems to suffer from an identity crisis. These are people who are generally very insecure about their own worth. This brings out feelings of helplessness and self condemnation. Quite often these people show a timid personality, yet harbour inner resentment.

Type C naturally displays a character that is well balanced. They "take things on the chin" and are usually self confident and secure in their own worth as human beings.

Obviously, from looking at both Type A and B, there is a glaring similarity in that both these types suffer from a lack of identity in who they are. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all to discover that Type A has a lot of the same characteristics as Type B. And Type B could very well share some of the aspects of Type A!

The saying, "we are a product of our own upbringing" has a ring of truth and is most likely the culprit when it comes to determine our worth and status, as we grow into adulthood. But here you are, an adult, still carrying the scars of your growing is it too late to change? I think we would all like to bear the title of Type C. Let's face it, wouldn't we all desire to be well balanced, self confident and secure in who we are? Do I hear a yes?

Most of us have role models, people we aspire to be like. You know, we don't have to look far to find the perfect role model....the perfect Type C. The person is Jesus Christ.

Here was a man, who was gentle in His dealing with children, compassionate enough to heal the sick. He lived a simple and humble life, in fact He claims to have come into the world not to be served, but to serve. He was resolute in His beliefs and teachings, yet showed incredible humility under extreme pressure. Yes, He was gentle and compassionate, but He was no pushover.

I find myself being humbled beyond words as I read the gospels, when Jesus stood before the religious leaders, on trial for what they claimed to be blasphemy.

Here was God in the flesh, standing before men who He created! This was no mere man awaiting trial for a crime He didn't commit........this was the Son of God! He could very easily have said to these religious leaders, "listen here ya swine, you don't believe I am the Son of God? Hey I can wipe you out with just one glance heavenward. Are you forgetting I have the power to raise the dead"? He could have....He had the power to do it......He could have shown these guys who the real boss of the show was......yet He didn't!

Why??? Because He was secure in His identity. He knew He was the Son of God. He didn't need to prove a thing to anyone! And He knew that there would come a time when His accusers would find out the truth.

Imagine, having all this power at your fingertips.......He could have done a whole lot worse than upend a few tables! But Jesus remained resolute, yet humble. He allowed the accusers to condemn, He allowed them to spew hatred at Him. He answered their accusations with firm conviction. He didn't need to raise His voice, He didn't need to hurl abuse back at them.

Did they win? Was their criticism and condemnation rewarded? Watch the object of their abuse as He is beaten and scourged. Watch as He carries this heavy wooden cross to His place of execution. Watch as He hangs on the cross, while He is ridiculed and scorned. "Son of God? You claim to be the Son of God," they sneer, "so come down off that cross then, if you are who you say you are".....and what does Jesus do? He prays, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do".

Does this sound like a man who is a Type A or a Type B? The answer is a resounding no! What a perfect example to follow, what a beautiful role model!

Imagine the strength and tenacity it would take to undergo torture the way He did, and yet still keep going, carrying a large wooden cross. He could have collapsed in a heap....yet He didn't. He maintained every ounce of dignity...and He did it without retaliating. Only someone completely confident in their identity could have fulfilled the mission given to them.....and Jesus did!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Nobody worries about Christ as long as he can be kept shut up in churches. He is quite safe inside. But there is always trouble if you try and let him out.-- G. A. Studdert Kennedy

A Christian……..a follower of Christ……how do you follow Christ? How do you love Christ?

Whose will………His will? How do you hear Him when He speaks? Do you hear Him? Do you listen?

Which are you…….one like the woman caught in adultery……..or the prideful scorner hurling stones?Are you like the humble tax collector who comes before God admitting your brokenness……….or are you like the Pharisee…..better than the broken one?

Are you saved? You know the beginning…….you know the ending…….but what comes between?

What does this mean?

Luk 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

What does it mean to you?

I have to admit, there is nothing easy in being a follower of Christ. It’s easy being saved, easy reading the Bible, going to church, praying but when it comes to actually living our belief and faith……we fail miserably.

Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

I have taken these two verses to heart in a big way. Because being a follower of Christ is sometimes burdensome. Giving up your desires for His desires, asking for His will in your life as opposed to your own….this is not an easy thing. But He equips us, and gives us the strength we need to walk the walk with Him.

Psa 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

When you ask God to create in you a clean heart…….it means sometimes He has to break you down, bring you to your knees……..and it hurts! Coming face to face with God with all your brokenness has got to be one of the most painful things you will ever do….but I can tell you from the depth of my heart that it is the most spirit refreshing thing you will ever do!

The closer you draw to God, the lonelier you feel as a Christian. There is nothing sadder than talking with a fellow believer about the wonders of the Holy Spirit, the amazing grace of God, and they look at you with glazed eyes. I know this because I too once stood with glazed eyes, just “not getting it”. When I talk about listening to His Word while I sleep, or listening to His Word on my IPOD as I walk, other Christians look at me as though I am whacko!

Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

What does that verse mean to you? It means exactly what it says to me. And if we are mocked for loving God this way……….who is being mocked……is it us………is it God’s work in us…… it God Himself?

Mt. 11:15